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Since the beginning of 2023, we have managed to help five of our wards undergo an extremely important examination - night monitoring of brain activity.

The Charity Exchange "DobroDiy" knows how important regular examinations and systematic diagnostics are for the life and health of patients with serious diagnoses. Thanks to the timely detected changes, doctors adjust drug therapy, prescribe a keto diet, make decisions about further treatment and rehabilitation measures.

Since the beginning of 2023, we have managed to help five of our wards undergo an extremely important examination - night monitoring of brain activity. This is a critically necessary procedure for patients with diagnoses such as epi-activity, epilepsy, etc. This year, the following children had underwent the night monitoring with subsequent consultations:

  • 4-year-old Mark Belay;
  • 7-year-old Kira Telyatnik;
  • 6-year-old Timur Mukhametdinov;
  • 6-year-old Platon Kononenko.

Also, soon 6-year-old Dmytro Shevchenko and 8-year-old Nazar Andryushchenko will go to the "" clinic for an examination. We are pleased that thanks to the support of loyal partners and friends, we are able to systematically help seriously ill children! We invite everyone who cares to support the rest of our wards at the link:

Children with difficult diagnoses are one step closer to a healthy future!

The last month of spring is in its full swing, and meanwhile 9 young wards of the Charity Exchange “DobroDiy”...

7-year-old Volodya Samofal received "Cerebrokurin"

The child has already started another course of treatment, so very soon he will delight his mother with new skills...


Thanks to regular support and fruitful cooperation with partners, the Charity Exchange "DobroDiy" even now, in the most difficult times...

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